Sexual fluidity and the diversity of sexual orientation

Fluid rainbow colors in an abstract design; concept of fluidity

Who are you today? Who were you a decade ago?  For many of us, shifts in our lives — relationships, jobs, friendships, where we live, what we believe — are the only constant. Yet it’s a common misconception that sexual orientation develops at an early age and then remains stable throughout one’s life.

Rather, changes in sexual orientation are a common thread in many people’s lives. People may experience changes in who they are attracted to, who they have sex with, and which labels they use to describe their sexual orientation. Such changes in sexual orientation are called sexual fluidity.

Attraction, identity, and behavior

While anyone can experience changes in their sexual orientation, sexually fluidity is more common in younger people and among people who are LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and additional identities).

Sexual fluidity might include

  • changes in attractions: Someone may be attracted to one gender at one time point and attracted to a different gender or more than one gender at another time point.
  • changes in identity labels: Someone may identify as lesbian at one time point and as bisexual at another time point.
  • changes in sexual behavior: Someone may have a sexual partner at one time point who is a cisgender woman and then have another sexual partner at a different time point who is nonbinary. (A cisgender woman is a person assigned as a female at birth and who identifies as a woman. Someone who is nonbinary was assigned either female or male at birth and identifies as neither a woman nor a man.)

Sexual fluidity happens for many different reasons. For some people, sexual fluidity occurs when they meet people and discover new attractions. For other people, sexual fluidity may occur when they learn a new identity label that better fits their experience.

Misconceptions and stigma about sexual fluidity

Many people may have questions and biases about sexual fluidity. Let’s explore a few.

Are people who identify as bisexual sexually fluid? Some are and others are not. Sexual fluidity is distinct from bisexuality. Sexual fluidity may be experienced by people with any sexual orientation identity, including people who identify as bisexual, lesbian, gay, or heterosexual.

Stigma directed at sexual fluidity (and similar stigma surrounding bisexuality) may stem from misconceptions about changes in sexual orientation. Consciously or unconsciously, some people may believe that anyone who experiences changes in their sexual orientation is promiscuous or incapable of being monogamous. However, such beliefs are untrue.

Misconceptions and stigma can hurt. Growing evidence links different forms of stigma experienced by people who are sexually fluid with more depression and poor mental health. Yet it’s not the change in sexual orientation that raises this risk, nor is it automatic, genetic, or otherwise predestined. The higher risk of mental health concerns among people who experience sexual fluidity is more likely to be related to minority stress — that is, because sexual fluidity is stigmatized, people who experience that stigma may also experience stress that negatively affects their mental health.

Changing misconceptions and stigma about sexual fluidity

We can help normalize sexual fluidity in several ways. First, we can introduce the possibility of changes in sexual orientation as part of sex education in schools and in the doctor’s office. Second, we can work toward responding to sexual fluidity with openness and curiosity rather than making assumptions and viewing these changes as negative. Third, we can move beyond preconceived notions of sexual orientation as stable to expecting change in sexual orientation for some people.

As people experience the world and learn more about themselves, their views, beliefs, and feelings may change. Sexual fluidity reflects one possible change over time, a change that fits into the greater diversity of sexuality. We can all hold space for this diversity by letting go of misconceptions about the stability of sexual orientation over a lifespan and staying open instead to the possibility of change.

Concussion care for children and teens: What parents need to know

photo of a tween girl in bed with her back against pillows, looking ill and holding her left hand to the side of her face

Concussions are very common — in fact, they are the most common kind of traumatic brain injury (TBI). While most people recover completely, concussions sometimes lead to lifelong problems, as we’ve learned from the experiences of former National Football League players.

That’s why it’s important that we do everything we can to not just prevent concussions in children and teens, but to give them the right treatment when a concussion happens.

The problem for doctors, parents, and coaches has been that while we want to do the right thing when a child gets a concussion, it’s not always easy to know what the right thing is. To help, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reviews all the research and makes recommendations to help guide us as we care for children with concussions.

Every child is different, and concussion care should reflect that

The recommendations reflect the fact that every child who has a concussion is different. Every injury is different, obviously, but it’s more than that. Some children are more likely to have trouble, such as those who have had prior concussions or have learning problems, mental health problems, or neurological problems.

Interestingly, children whose families are stressed for reasons such as poverty can take a longer time to recover from concussions. And there is a bit of a wild-card factor too: sometimes children unexpectedly take a long time to recover — or, conversely, recover very quickly.

What are the concussion care recommendations?

Practice guidelines developed by the CDC for health providers include these points:

  • Most children with concussions don’t need CT or MRI scans. If there was a severe injury or the child is having severe or unusual symptoms, then it’s worth doing to be sure there isn’t internal bleeding, a fracture, or some other injury. Most of the time with concussions, there is nothing to see — and it’s not worth the risk or expense involved in these imaging studies.
  • Use the right tool to make the diagnosis. There are some symptoms we associate with concussion, like bad headache, dizziness, loss of memory of the accident. But because it isn’t always clear, it’s helpful to use a checklist or questionnaire that is validated, meaning that it’s been shown to accurately pick out those with a concussion from those who simply have a bad clunk to the head and not a concussion.
  • When a child has a concussion, assess for risk factors for a prolonged recovery. As I said above, some children take longer to get better — and while we can never predict for sure, it’s important to think about that at the time of the injury.

What should parents know about concussions?

  • Most children and teens with concussions get completely better within one to three months. But it’s important that children, families, and coaches know what all the symptoms are after a concussion, and understand what’s normal and what is a sign of a problem. For example, trouble sleeping, dizziness, and moodiness can be normal, but if any of those symptoms are getting worse, it’s important to call the doctor.
  • Parents can help children return to normal activities after a concussion. Rest — of not just the body, but the mind too — is important for the first two to three days after a concussion, but after that it’s important to start getting back to normal. When people rest completely for longer than that, it actually takes them longer to get better.

Getting back to normal after a concussion

We used to think that total rest of the brain and body after a concussion was the best treatment. Increasingly, research shows that resuming normal activities is the better treatment. For example, recent research analyzing many studies showed that exercise can help speed recovery from concussion. The tricky part is figuring out how best to resume normal activities, because it is different for each child.

The basic idea is to start slow and see how the child does. If they do okay, they can do a bit more schoolwork or exercise. If they don’t do okay — meaning they have more symptoms — they should do less and go more slowly.

The process of getting back to normal life can take a few days, or a few months. It has to be tailored to each child and each situation, which is why collaboration with your pediatrician is so important. It’s also really important not to rush the process, especially when it comes to returning to a sport where concussions are common, such as football, hockey, or soccer. If a child gets another concussion while they are still recovering, it will take them much longer to get better, and put them at risk of permanent disabilities.

To learn more, visit the CDC’s Heads Up page.

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